Spanish – English Guide on Vocabularies Commonly Used in Yoga
We never miss a beat in learning Spanish by immersion in Buenos Aires, but sometimes it’s not as simple as picking up the dictionary to figure out how to say something or what a specific term is. This applies exactly to my experience in attending yoga classes in the city. Not all yoga studios in Buenos Aires offer classes in English and Spanish (although Vamos Yoga Academy does! You could for sure slowly learn and pick up all the names, but it is very hard to pay attention to new words when you are already focusing on your body and working on the breathing. Therefore, we have put together a list of common terms and vocabularies you’ll most likely encounter at a yoga session. This list will help you familiarise yourself before you’re in your down dog!
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Yoga Positions in Spanish and English
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward facing dog (“down dog”) Perro hacia abajo |
Savasana Corpse Pose Postura del Cadáver |
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose Postura del Puente |
Marjaryasana Cat Pose (1) Postura del GatoBitilasana Cow Pose (2) Postura de la Vaca |
Utkatasana Chair Pose Postura de la Silla |
Balasana Child’s Pose Postura del Niño |
Bhujangasana Cobra Pose Postura de la Cobra |
Anjaneyasana Crescent Lunge Postura de la Luna Creciente |
Garudasana Eagle Pose Postura del Águila |
Utthita Parsvakonasana Extended Side Angle Pose Triángulo extendido (in English, extended triangle) |
Malasana Garland Pose Postura de las Cuclillas (in English, cuckoos pose) o Postura de la Guirnalda |
Ananda Balasana Happy Baby Pose Postura del Bebé Feliz |
Ardha Matsyendrāsana Half Spinal Twist Media Torsión Sentada (In English, Seated half twist) |
Salabhasana Locust Pose Postura de la Langosta* o postura del Saltamontes** (*Langosta means locust but also lobster. Saltamontes** means grasshopper) |
Phalakasana Plank Pose Postura de la Tabla |
Tadasana Mountain Pose Postura de la Montaña |
Supta Baddha Konasana Reclining Butterfly Pose Postura del Zapatero* o Postura de la Diosa** reclinada (*Zapatero means shoemaker but it is referring to the waterstrider / pondskater insect. **Diosa reclinada means reclining goddess) |
Ardha Uttanasana Half Lift / Flat back Media Pinza (In English Media means half and pinza most commonly means clothespin) |
Uttanasana Forward Fold La pinza de pie (In English, foot pin) |
Vriksasana Tree Pose Postura del Árbol |
Virabhadrasana I Warrior 1 Postura del Guerrero 1 |
Virabhadrasana II Warrior 2 Postura del Guerrero 2 |
Prasarita Padottanasana Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pinza de pie separada (Separated foot pin) |
List of Commonly Used Yoga Vocabularies
Get to Know the Body Parts in Spanish
Spanish Verbs You May Hear While Practicing Yoga
Wondering how you can stay fit in Buenos Aires? We have some great suggestions here for indoor sports activities. Spanish Schools in Buenos Aires