“Ya” and “todavía” are very important Spanish words.
We use them very often, both in casual and formal conversation. Therefore, understanding the meaning of these words, and how to use them correctly is crucial!
As there are a lot of possible translations for “ya” and “todavía”, many students get discouraged. They find the matter quite confusing and complicated.
🧑🏫 Here at Vamos Academy we have prepared a short class to make it easier for you!
Basically, you have to ask yourself whether the sentence is negative or affirmative before translating these words in your head.
Also, if you think that the two translations for “ya” are confusing, pay attention to the verb tenses!
“Ya voy” (Coming!) = Ya + Presente -> Ya = Right away ✅
“Ya fui” (I’ve already gone there) = Ya + Pasado -> Ya = Already ✅