May 13, 2020 ·

Plural Nouns

In this grammar blog, we will discuss some simple but important rules that will help you produce the correct plural form of Spanish nouns

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What are Plural Nouns?

When writing about more than one of anything you usually use the same word by adding -s, -es, or -ies to the end. These are called plural nouns.

Plural nouns are words that demonstrate that there is more than one place, person, idea or thing. Talking about more than one of anything means that you are using a plural noun.

In order to make a plural noun in Spanish, add an -s to the end of words that end in a vowel.

correocorreos (correo + s)
mesamesa (mesa + s)
niño niños (niño + s)
abuelaabuelas (abuela + s)

The definite articles also change when forming a plural noun. “El” becomes “los” and “la” becomes “las“.

  • el correo: los correos
  • la mesa: las mesas
  • el niño: los niños
  • la abuela: las abuelas

For a noun that ends in a consonat to be plural you have to add -es.

Singular Plural
el árbollos árboles
la facultadlas facultades
el amorlos amores
la florlas flores

If a noun ends in -z, add -es and change the z to c.

el pezlos peces
la narizlas narices
el juezlos jueces
la cruzlas cruces

Something that is important to keep in mind is that when you are talking about more than one of something that have different genders, the plural form takes on the masculine form.

1 abuela + 1 abuelo = 2 abuelos

Here is a quick review of what we have learned in this lesson:

  • When a noun ends in a vowel, all you have to do is add -s
  • When a noun ends in a consonant, add -es
  • When a noun ends in -z, you must change the z to c before adding -es.
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