April 19, 2023 ·

All of the Parts of a Car in Spanish and vocabulary

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parts of the car in spanish vocabulary

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Exterior Parts of a Car
  3. Interior Parts of a Car
  4. Engine Components
  5. Suspension and Steering System
  6. Braking System
  7. Electrical and Electronic Components
  8. Key Takeaways
Side mirrorEspejo retrovisorRétroviseurSeitenspiegel
TaillightsCalaveras/Luces traserasFeux arrièreRückleuchten
Steering wheelVolanteVolantLenkrad
DashboardTableroTableau de bordArmaturenbrett
GearshiftPalanca de cambiosLevier de vitesseSchalthebel
HandbrakeFrenos de manoFrein à mainHandbremse
SeatbeltCinturón de seguridadCeinture de sécuritéSicherheitsgurt
Air conditioningAire acondicionadoClimatisationKlimaanlage
TransmissionCaja de cambiosBoîte de vitessesGetriebe
Spark plugBujíaBougie d’allumageZündkerze
Air filterFiltro de aireFiltre à airLuftfilter
Timing beltCorrea de distribuciónCourroie de distributionZahnriemen
Shock absorbersAmortiguadoresAmortisseursStoßdämpfer
Sway barsBarras estabilizadorasBarres stabilisatricesStabilisatorstangen
Steering rackCremallera de direcciónCrémaillère de directionZahnstangenlenkung
Power steering pumpBomba de direcciónPompe de direction assistéeServolenkungspumpe
Brake padsPastillas de frenoPlaquettes de freinBremsbeläge

1. Introduction to Parts of the Car and Vocabulary in Spanish:

Have you ever wondered what the different parts of a car are called in Spanish? ¿Por qué no aprender algo nuevo hoy? (Why not learn something new today?) In this engaging and informative article, we will explore the parts of a car in Spanish, perfect for those who want to improve their Spanish vocabulary while learning about automobiles.

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2. Exterior Parts of a Car

Let’s start by looking at the exterior parts of a car. These are the parts that you can see from the outside:

  • Cofre (Hood)
  • Parabrisas (Windshield)
  • Espejo retrovisor (Side mirror)
  • Puerta (Door)
  • Ventana (Window)
  • Cajuela or Maletero (Trunk)
  • Llanta (Tire)
  • Rueda (Wheel)
  • Faros (Headlights)
  • Calaveras or Luces traseras (Taillights)

3. Interior Parts of a Car

Now let’s move on to the interior of a car. ¿Qué partes encuentras dentro de un auto? (What parts can you find inside a car?)

  • Volante (Steering wheel)
  • Tablero (Dashboard)
  • Palanca de cambios (Gearshift)
  • Frenos de mano (Handbrake)
  • Asientos (Seats)
  • Cinturón de seguridad (Seatbelt)
  • Radio or Estéreo (Radio or Stereo)
  • Aire acondicionado (Air conditioning)

4. Engine Components

The engine is the heart of any vehicle. It’s responsible for generating power and propelling the car forward. Let’s explore the main engine components in Spanish:

  • Motor (Engine)
  • Caja de cambios (Transmission)
  • Radiador (Radiator)
  • Batería (Battery)
  • Alternador (Alternator)
  • Bujía (Spark plug)
  • Filtro de aire (Air filter)
  • Correa de distribución (Timing belt)

5. Suspension and Steering System

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo tu auto se mantiene estable en la carretera? (Have you ever wondered how your car stays stable on the road?) The suspension and steering systems play a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable and safe driving experience. Here are the main components:

  • Suspensión (Suspension)
  • Amortiguadores (Shock absorbers)
  • Muelles (Springs)
  • Barras estabilizadoras (Sway bars)
  • Dirección (Steering)
  • Cremallera de dirección (Steering rack)
  • Bomba de dirección (Power steering pump)

6. Braking System

A reliable braking system is essential for any vehicle. Here are the key components of the braking system in Spanish:

  • Frenos (Brakes)
  • Pastillas de freno (Brake pads)
  • Discos de freno (Brake discs or rotors)
  • Cilindro maestro (Master cylinder)
  • Líquido de frenos (Brake fluid)
  • Caliper or Pinza de freno (Brake caliper)
  • Tubo de freno (Brake line)

7. Electrical and Electronic Components

Modern cars have many electrical and electronic components that control various aspects of the vehicle. Here are some of the essential ones in Spanish:

  • Sistema eléctrico (Electrical system)
  • Sistema de encendido (Ignition system)
  • Computadora de a bordo (Onboard computer)
  • Sensores (Sensors)
  • Fusibles (Fuses)
  • Relevadores (Relays)
  • Luces de giro (Turn signals)

8. Key Takeaways

In this article, we’ve learned the names of various car parts in Spanish. To summarize, here are the main points to remember:

  • The exterior, interior, engine components, suspension and steering system, braking system, and electrical and electronic components are all essential parts of a car.
  • Learning the names of these parts in Spanish can be helpful for anyone interested in automobiles or looking to improve their Spanish vocabulary.

¿Quién sabe? Tal vez la próxima vez que hables de autos con alguien que hable español, podrás impresionarlos con tu conocimiento. (Who knows? Maybe the next time you talk about cars with someone who speaks Spanish, you’ll be able to impress them with your knowledge.)

Parts of the car vocabulary differences between Argentina, Spain and Mexico:

Side mirrorEspejo lateralEspejo lateralRetrovisor
Rearview mirrorEspejo retrovisorEspejo retrovisorEspejo retrovisor
Steering wheelVolanteVolanteVolante
GearshiftPalanca de cambiosPalanca de cambiosPalanca de cambios
Brake pedalPedal de frenoPedal de frenoPedal de freno
Gas pedalPedal de aceleradorPedal de aceleradorPedal de acelerador
Clutch pedalPedal de embraguePedal de embraguePedal de embrague
DashboardTablero de instrumentosTablero de instrumentosSalpicadero
Fuel gaugeMedidor de combustibleMedidor de combustibleMedidor de combustible
Fog lightsLuces antinieblaLuces antinieblaLuces antiniebla
TaillightsLuces traseras / Faros traserosLuces traseras / Faros traserosLuces traseras / Faros traseros
Brake lightsLuces de frenoLuces de frenoLuces de freno
Turn signalIntermitenteIntermitenteIntermitente
Hazard lightsLuces de emergenciaLuces intermitentesLuces de emergencia
Air conditionerAire acondicionadoAire acondicionadoAire acondicionado
CD playerReproductor de CDReproductor de CDReproductor de CD
USB portPuerto USBPuerto USBPuerto USB
Sunroof / MoonroofTecho corredizoQuemacocos / Techo

Remember, learning a new language opens up a whole new world of opportunities and experiences. So, keep practicing and expanding your Spanish vocabulary! If you want more information you can also check List of auto parts – Wikipedia

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