Nie pobieramy opłat za materiały ani ukrytych opłat rejestracyjnych!
Wszystkie ceny zawierają materiały do nauki, dyplom, test poziomujący, bezpośredni dostęp do naszego dyrektora akademickiego, pracę domową i wiele więcej!
20 Hour Weekly Group Classes in Malaga
€200 per week
- 4 or more weeks – €185 p/week
*Discounts only apply to full 20-hour weekly courses at regular price, when multiple consecutive weeks are booked and paid for at the same time. Any additional weeks of classes that are subsequently booked will be billed as new bookings.
Private One-on-One Spanish Classes in Malaga
€30 per hour
- When combined with group classes taken during the same week(s): €25/hour*
- For non-group class students when hours are booked and paid in full at the same time:
- 30+ hours – (€25/hour)*
*Discounts do not apply to weekend classes.
€230 / Week
- 2 to 5 average per class
- 60+ years old
- 9:30AM until 1:30PM
- Social and Cultural Activities
$35 / Hour
- Tailor-made Spanish Classes
- Experienced Spanish Teacher
- Flexible Scheduling
- Affordable Prices
Spanish Crash Course IN MALAGA for Busy Travelers
€60 per person
*To be taken during the weekdays.
20 Hour Weekly Group Classes in Malaga
€200 per week
- 4 or more weeks – €185 p/week
*Discounts only apply to full 20-hour weekly courses at regular price, when multiple consecutive weeks are booked and paid for at the same time. Any additional weeks of classes that are subsequently booked will be billed as new bookings.
Private One-on-One Spanish Classes in Malaga
€30 per hour
- When combined with group classes taken during the same week(s): €25/hour*
- For non-group class students when hours are booked and paid in full at the same time:
- 30+ hours – (€25/hour)*
*Discounts do not apply to weekend classes.
Spanish Crash Course IN MALAGA for Busy Travelers
€60 per person
*To be taken during the weekdays.
Online Spanish Classes