mayo 11, 2020 ·

¿Cómo se usan las WH-questions: What, When, Whom, Who, Which, Where, Why, Whose y How?

¿Cómo hacer preguntas en inglés?


Existen dos tipos de preguntas:

  • Las que se responden yes/no
  • Las “WH-“

WH- questions son aquellas como: what, when, whom, who, which, where, why, whose y how. Éstas, se utilizan para preguntar cuestiones específicas en inglés, por ejemplo: lugares, personas, características, horarios, cosas, etc. A continuación, te dejamos una serie de preguntas y respuestas como ejemplo:

WH- questions

Usages (Usos)

Examples (Ejemplos)

What? | ¿Qué?Used to ask about things | Uso: preguntar por cosasWhat do you want? – What is going on? – What is her name? – What have you done?
When? | ¿Cuándo?Used to ask about  time | Uso: preguntar por horariosWhen is this show ending? – When did you say hello? – When did he say he was going to leave?
Where? | ¿Dónde?Used to ask about  places | Uso: preguntar por lugaresWhere is her cat? – Where are his manners? – Where were we supposed to meet? – Where are we?
Who? | ¿Quién/es?Used to ask about people | Uso: preguntar por personasWho did you pick? – Who isn’t alright? – Who wasn’t respectful? – Who doesn’t want to go?
Whom? | ¿A quién/es?Used to ask about  people (object of verb) | Uso: preguntar por personas (sujeto de la oración)Whom did you see in the park?  I saw Mrs. Geller, my English teacher. – Whom was Rose talking to? Rose was talking to Chandler, his new boyfriend.
Which? | ¿Cuál/es?Used to ask about choices | Uso: preguntar por alternativasWhich one do you love the most? – Of all the beautiful places you’ve been to, which one would you like to go back to?
Whose? | ¿De quién/es?Used to ask about belongings | Uso: preguntar por posesionesWhose baby is this? – Whose toothbrush is this? Is it yours?
Why? | ¿Por qué?Used to ask about  reasons, causes | Uso: preguntar por razones, posibles causasWhy did this happen? – Why is he such a sweety? – Of all people, why her?
How? | ¿Cómo?Used to ask about manner, process | Uso: preguntar por formas de procedimientoHow did you end up in there? – How can you take us home? – How does it become easier?

¿Cómo crear una WH- question?

a. with an auxiliary | con un verbo auxiliar:

Wh-word + auxiliary + subject + main verb …?
Wh-__ + verbo auxiliar + sujeto + verbo principal …?

Algunos de los verbos auxiliares más comunes son: be (ser/estar), do (hacer), have (tener/haber).
También se pueden usar los verbos modales: will, shall, would, can, could, must, should, may, might, etc.

  • What do you do for a living?
  • Why should we read books?
  • When is her birthday?

b. without any auxiliary | sin verbo auxiliar:

(esto es posible cuando las palabras que comienzan con WH- sustituyen al sujeto de la oración)

Wh-word + main verb …?Wh-___ + verbo principal …?


  • What happened to Peter today?

Well, something exciting happened to him today: he was promoted.

  • Who won the game?

Luke won the game.

Practicá: de acuerdo a lo aprendido recién. ¡Creá a continuación la pregunta que corresponda según la respuesta marcada debajo!

1. ___________________________________________?

  • She’s cooking lasagna for dinner.

2. ___________________________________________?

  • It’s big and cozy.

3. ___________________________________________?

  • Sorry, babe. I thought it would be good.

4. ___________________________________________?

  • Mark’s team is way better.

5. ___________________________________________?

  • First, I washed my hands, then I put on my facemask.

6. ___________________________________________?

  • At 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

7. ___________________________________________?

  • We should talk to the RRHH department. They’re the ones responsible for these kinds of things.

8. ___________________________________________?

  • Jamie did it. It’s a shame.

9. ___________________________________________?

  • Both Karina and Richard. They were arguing loudly.

10. ___________________________________________?

  • I can’t chose any of them, they’re both out of my league.

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