June 20, 2014 · ,

Learn Football Vocabulary in Spanish (Buenos Aires Style)


Football Argentina Brazil 2014

World Cup 2014 is heating up all around the world, and definitely here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. If you are in the city watching the live broadcast on local TV here, it is pretty hard to understand what the commentators are saying other than ‘goooool!’ and “Pulga Pulga Pulga” (Just in case you don’t know yet, “La Pulga” (The Flea) is the nickname for Messi) since they speak really fast and also probably you are not familiar with football vocabularies in Spanish yet. Well, here we are to help you with a list of some basic common football terms we use in Buenos Aires.

(Note: Since football is such a prominent sport in many Spanish-speaking countries, there are many regional varieties. The list below represents what we commonly use in Buenos Aires; a more general term in brackets, if any.)

World Cup = Copa Mundial
Team = Equipo
National Team = La Selección
Team line up = Alineación
Opposing team/rival = Adversario/Contricante
Football shirt = Camiseta
Football shoe(s) = Botín(es) (Zapatillas)
Football = pelota (balón)
Fans = Hinchas (Aficionados)
Hooligans = Barra bravas

Game = Partido/Encuentro
Friendly game = Partido amistoso
Season = Temporada
League = Liga
First/Second Period = Primer/Segundo tiempo
Half Time = entretiempo (descanso/medio tiempo)
Extra Time = Descuento (Tiempo Extra/Tiempo Suplementario)
to Win/to Defeat = Ganar/Vencer
to Lose = perder
Winners = Ganadores
a Beating (a big win) = Paliza
Defeat = Derrota
Draw = Empate
Qualifying round = Eliminatoria
Semifinal = Semifinal
Final/Championship = Final / campeonato
Finalist = Finalista
First runner up = Subcampeón
Champion = Campeón – Vencedor del torneo del que se esté hablando.
Scoreboard = Marcador
Rules = Reglamento/Normas/Reglas

Stadium = Estadio
Football field/pitch = La cancha (el campo de juego)
Dressing room = Vestuario
Sideline = Línea de banda lateral o simplemente Línea
Goal line = Línea de fondo/gol o simplemente Línea
Player box = Palco
Goal = Arco (Portería/Meta)
Goalpost = Palo (Poste)
Crossbar = Travesaño (Larguero/Barra horizontal)
Referee = Árbritro
Linesman/asistant referee = Auxiliar/Juez de línea/Asistente
Coach = Entrenador/Director Técnico (DT)
Training = Entrenamiento
Tactics/Strategy = Táctica
Technique = Técnica
Captain = Capitán
Goalkeeper = Arquero (Portero/Guardameta)
Forward = Delantero
Midfielder = Mediocampista
Defense = Defensor

Fair play = Fair play (Juego limpio)
Foul play = Juego sucio
Assist = Asistencia
Score/Goal! = Gol! or usually it’s more like Gooooooooooool!
Great goal = Golazo
Invalid goal = Gol anulado
Own goal = Gol en contra (Propia meta)
Foul = Falta (Infracción)
Handball = La mano
Offside = Offside (Fuera de juego/Posición adelantada)
Yellow card = Tarjeta amarilla
Red card = Tarjeta roja
Penalty = Penal
Corner Kick = Corner (Saque de esquina)
Throw In = Saque de banda/Saque Lateral
Goal Kick = Saque de arco
Out of bound (sideline) = Fuera de banda/Línea
Out of play = Fuera de juego
Free kick = Tiro libre directo/indirecto
Change of players = Cambio/Variante

a Pass = un Pase/Toque
a Shot = un Tiro (Disparo/Chutazo)
a Move = una Jugada
Header = Cabezazo
Flop = Tirarse al piso
Counter attack = Contraataque/Contragolpe
Defense = Defensa
Offense = Delantera
to Dodge = Gambetear (Regatear)
to Expel = Expulsar
to Hit the ball with the head = Cabecear
to Mark (a player) = marcar
to Score = Meter un gol (Anotar/Marcar)
to Kick = Golpear/Patear
to Shoot = Tirar/Disparar
the “Wall” = Barrera
Crossed-kick = Rabona

Olé, Olé, Olé!


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